A few rather magical and cosmic things have happened to me regarding this upcoming experience (for those of you counting at home, I leave on March 21st, 12 days) .
The Onion newspaper has always served, along with Zippy the Pinhead, as a sort of cosmic predictor of things to come. This article came out in the Boulder onion right before I left. While the content of the article is not what I am expecting out of my journey, the simple mention of the Peace Corps is enough to give me some indication that something/someone is aware of me.
The second, more significant happening came in a random email not addressed to me. As I have been corresponding with PC and all the future volunteers currently stateside, a lot of emails have been thrown around that are not properly addressed (they go out to everyone). One of these was headed by my childhood friend Allen Rathbone. I emailed this mystery individual to confirm that yes, he and I were both going to Peace Corps simultaneously and that yes, he was going to the Philippines as well. Of all the random happenings associated with this journey, this one is a bit much.
For now, back to cleaning up the giant pile of stuff that I brought back from Colorado so that my parents wont throw it away.
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