Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New Typhoon Pictures

New Typhoon pictures have been posted, by popular demand:

CNN article written by a fellow volunteer about a landslide zone near my office.
My Webshots Account
New album of Typhoon pictures

Other articles and pictures pending publishing.

New notes:
As the relief operations in Albay get organized and efficient, I have begun implementing the BioSand water filter project that I have talked about with some of you loyal friends/family/readers. I have recieved word from a number of people who feel morally obligated, or at least excited, to help financially in some way. The BioSand water filter project needs funding as well as some subsidies so that some of the poorer folks here can buy one. In essence, it is a filter that costs about $24 to buy and will provide up to 220 liters of clean drinking water per day for longer than you will live. It is a great project in need of funding. If you feel like you want to help with this, then I encourage you to contact me. Please don't feel obligated to give, but understand that if you do, this money will go to a good project and not to line the pockets of a local opportunist.

Side note: Although some of you may be encouraged to give goods instead of money, understand that the shipping costs and time will make it much more worth it to merely wire money this direction. Before you even think about sending anything, talk to me; I will provide any transparency in project execution that you might require so that you know I am not a lying sack of monkey poo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Page,

I'm your cousin (Martin's daughter). I live in Potomac, MD, not so far from your folks... (And yes, sigh, life is busy so I've not been in touch yet.)

It sounds like you're having quite the experience in the Philippines. So many of your comments about people smiling and strange modes of public transport ring true of my trips abroad - it's not surprising I guess.

Your project, BioSand water filters, sounds really beneficial to people. It's the kind of project I'd feel really great about supporting. I'd love to hear how I can help.

You can buzz met at nrschwartz@verizon.net.

Cheers & Happy New Years,