Monday, April 28, 2008

Donating my body to culinary science

A few hypothetical questions for all the vegans out there:

Let's assume I get in a horrible car accident which results in both my legs being amputated. I would immediately have the legs put on ice and saved for my next memorial day party. This doesn't sound like much fun, but let's look at the silver lining: there would be a few pounds of morally neutral meat available for the eating.

Would YOU, as a fellow enjoyer-of-barbeque, ever eat human meat if it was presented to you in this way?

Do the tenets of veganism (no violence against another creature) imply that cannibalism like this is not allowed? If I consciously offer my own meat, does that remove any moral qualms about where the meat came from?

Can I invite my vegan friend to the party without him/her getting offended?

How would you want the meat prepared?

If this question is too strange for you, ask yourself what about cannibalism makes it wrong or at least undesirable?

It may be human meat, but we are just animals with very similar biochemistry to monkeys, whether you think Darwin was a douche or not. If you would eat monkey, why wouldn't you eat me.... if I offered?

The Twilight Zone - To Serve Man


Lady J said...

seriously i nearly died laughing reading this. one because you're nuts. two because this was discussed at length on more than one occasion.

i'm not sure if i would eat you...i think it would be weird. or maybe its weird that i eat balut. my sense of weirdness is off. i need a new weirdness scale.

yes i am already at work posting on your blog but its fiesta time so we are already preparing for it.

Anonymous said...

I'll eat your legs page.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it depends. Are there hot dogs being grilled as well? Because nothing is better than a grilled hot dog.

Maybe if you could find a bun that would fit your leg, I'd think about it.