Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I just spent christmas and new year's in peninsular Malaysia. 10 days of Indian food, jungle trekking, clean cities and ANONYMITY has made Page a happy Peace Corps volunteer. There is a full update to come later, but for now you will have to settle for some NEW PICS!!!

New Pictures: http://good-times.webshots.com/album/569621027sCqaMr

1 comment:

Steve Cannon said...

I've enjoyed reading your pc adventure. I logged on to read about ferrocement tanks for a workshop I will coordinate in a rural section of California. I too was a PCV. I served in Honduras from 77-79 and returned in 88 to work for AID on a forestry project. I had a lot of similar experiences and your stories brought back a ton of memories. Sounds like you accomplished a lot. Now my daughter is thinking about PC and enjoyed reading your accounts. Take care and keep saving the world. I keep trying myself.